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Coin Master Spins Tips and Tricks |
Spinning the slot machine costs 1 spin each time if betting x1 is on. You can select bet x1 to x3 when you have less than 200 spins total if you have more betting x5 is enabled. With over 500 Spins it goes up to x8, with 1000 Spins the player can bet up to x10, with 2800 Spins bets can go all the way up to x25, and with 5000 Spins stakes reach x50.
Spins are generated with 5 spins each hour until it reaches its maximum of 50 spins, then it stops. Meaning that it takes 10 hours to complete. Let spins refill to at least 25 spins before playing again.
When spinning the machine, you want to get 3 of the same symbols to get the best rewards.
- 3 shields give you 1-50 shields depending on how much you bet.
- 3 coins give more coins. How much depends on what village level you are at. The higher the number, the more coins. However, village upgrades also increase at higher levels.
- 3 coins pouches yield the highest amount of coins. How much depends on the village number.
- 3 energy capsules give 10 spins times betting
- 3 hammers let you attack other players and damage their village.
- 3 pigs let you raid your "Coin Master" that is displayed on top of the slot machine. This is a friend, a random player or bot with the most coins.
Attacking and Raiding:
Attacking gives you the option to damage someone's village. You can choose to attack a friend or random player.
Your attack can be blocked if a player has a shield. This will give you fewer coins than a successful attack. There are no real strategies in attacking. The only thing I can advise is to attack players that have many burning objects in their village. That means that they likely have no shield to counter the attack.
Raiding is a feature that gives you the option to steal other players' coins. This is often a friend, but could also be a random player or bot. I have encountered many bots with around 50 million each.
In raiding, there are 4 holes with 3 shovels to dig 3 holes. One of them is empty or has a bonus chest. The other 3 are filled with coins, and one of them has more value than the other 2.
Foxy pet can be used to steal more coins. It must be fed with a treat to be active. Foxy will dig the 4th hole resulting in additional coins.
People can only raid a small number of your coins at a time. This varies depending on their star and village level. This is so you won't get bankrupt by one raid if you have a hundred of millions or billions of coins.
Most people play by made-up rules about not raiding friends before asked of permission. You don't have to do that, but you will most likely get unfriended for "big-raiding" most people.
There is one strategy for raiding that I know called Two-finger trick.
Two-finger trick: if you have dug 2 holes and both had coins int them, then tap the 2 remaining holes precisely the same time and hold for a second. The one with coins will be dug and give you perfect raid.
Place fingers in level with each other and tap really fast, if you are too slow the delay respond you will not catch up with a finger.
3 pets can be obtained. They have their own unique feature. They are activated by treats. 1 treat enables pet for 4 hours. Gifts are rewarded trough events or random, by spinning the slot machine. They can also be bought with real money.
Pets can be levelled up by experience points (XP). They are obtained through events, some card collections or by spinning. They can also be bought with real money.
Foxy gives raid rewards. Unlocks at reaching level 4.
Tiger gives attack rewards. Unlocks when completing beasts card collection.
Rhino blocks attacks. Unlock when completing creatures card collection.
Cards are collectables that can be found by opening chests or completing steps in the Viking quest event. They can also be shared between friends but only silver cards. There's a limit of sending 5 tickets cards per day. Gold cards can be sent on a golden trade event.
On that event, you can only send and receive 2 chosen cards that the game developers pick.
Cards are collected in sets, and when a collection is completed, it gives you a reward in spins and sometimes in experience points.
Some cards are rarer than others, meaning that there is a less chance of getting those cards. They also drop at specific villages. On my cards page, I have a list of where to find all cards and a value guide.
Coin Master levelling system consists of villages. Your village number is your "Rank". To find out what number you are on, then look at the in-game map function.
Villages come in different themes and scenarios. Five objects can be upgraded for coins you earn by playing. These objects can be damaged by other players if you don't have any shields or Rhino pet activated. When an object is attacked, it will cost half the price of the previous upgrade to repair. If it is damaged two times in a row, you will have to pay full price to upgrade again.
Tips and Tricks:
Send more than 5 cards per day: Change the phone's data in settings 24 hours forward.
Feeding Pet: When you feed a pet and are done using/playing, select a different pet. And that time will stop, and the pet will stay active.
Get more rare cards: Some people will give away free unique rare cards on Facebook groups. Ones you get one you will start getting more of the same easier when opening new chests. The extras you understand you can trade for new rare cards.
Super betting: If you get super bet enabled and never go under 5 spins. You will keep super betting at x5 as long as you don't go under.
To complete more sets and win more spins my best recommendation is to buy chests for at least 1 billion on each level to village 50 after that you should buy for at least 1.5-2 billion to make sure to get most cards that can be found on each level. Also, try to save to 7-10k spins so you can bet x50 when spinning.
When spinning, try to learn the patterns and don't bet x50 every time. Also, when you feel that you are about to lose more spins than you win, it's time to stop and wait for the next event.
Only buy chests on cards boom event. At least that is what I do, and it's working out for me. You can check out my card finds from level 1 to 55 here: https://www.coinmasterheaven.com/my-card-finds
It's also good to have a lot of friends to raid. The more friends you have, the more coins you will win.
Do this, and you will become a "Coin Master". This strategy has worked for me on my second account where I have 31k spins and most sets completed on village 55.
Tricks to do when buying chests:
- Trick 1: This is my favourite trick. Look at the last card in the chest and count the stars. If it has 1-2 stars buy a wooden if 3 buy gold and 4-5 buy a magical. Do this, and you will get more new cards. If you have bought coins for a hundred of millions and you don't get any new cards. I would recommend moving to the next level. Just make sure there aren't any rare cards left to find.
- Trick 2: Start off with buying wooden chests and buy until the last card is 3 stars or more. Then move to the golden chest and continue buying until the last card is 4 stars or golden. Then start buying magical chests until the last card is golden. After this step, start over and repeat.
- Trick 3: Buy 20 chests of each type. Example: 20 wooden, 20 gold and 20 magical.
- Trick 4: When reaching a new level, build all your village objects to 2 stars each. Then start buying chests.
If you have any tip you want to share, then contact me, and I will add that here.
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